Flux Primo je prvi visoko zmogljivi električni terenski motocikel s snemljivo baterijo in širokimi pametnimi funkcijami. Glavne lastnosti naše rešitve so izjemna zmogljivost: največji domet na tržišču, prvi s snemljivo baterijo, odlične vozne lastnosti in digitalna personalizacija preko pametnega telefona.
Finančna podpora: 54.000 EUR
Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.
Cilj naložbe je razviti dokončno rešitev ter jo uspešno komercializirati.
Več informacij o kohezijski politiki v Sloveniji: www.eu-skladi.si.
Flux Primo is the first high performance electric motorcycle with a swappable battery and wide smart functions. The main attributes of the solution are: biggest range on market, first with a quickly swappable battery on market, top tier handling and digital personalization of ride characteristics.
Financial support: 54.000 EUR
The funding is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenija and the European Union, from the European fund for regional development.
The aim of funding is to fully develop the solution and successfully market it.
More information on cohesion policies in Slovenija: www.eu-skladi.si.
Our company has been supported by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.
Learn more here: www.eiturbanmobility.eu
The support consisted in mentoring for the business plan development, as part of a programme of the Regional Innovation Scheme: https://www.eiturbanmobility.eu/ris/